First, let me apologize for my utter, utter lameness in re: commenting. I've been having too much fun, I guess, and fun kind of gets in the way of things. Which isn't to say I don't love and value every one of you, my friends. It's just to say, I wound up in the greatest city on earth -- that is, San Francisco -- and I'm single, and the world is my oyster, and wow!
My dear soundmate, bloodgood, asked me to say more about music, but I don't want to scare off those of you whose tastes differ from mine because I wouldn't bore you with a barrage of information about music you either don't like or haven't heard. So I'm breaking it up, here, to blab on and on about me; perhaps this will bore my scooter friend, but the music will be back.
Now, tonight I once again worked at my weensy little bookstore which, unfortunately, has no heat beyond an extremely inefficient space heater. But aside from sitting next to a nice, hot fire, there's nothing like being amidst tons of old books and listening to stirring music to make me feel like a zillion. And okay, I listened to this amazing band called The Aislers Set
while I sort of read Alice Munro's new collection, Runaway. Sort of read because I was working, so I snatched a few sentences here and there, in between frantic bouts of vaccuuming and talking about, well, stories and music and movies.* Outside it was raining and the streets were shiny and despite that, there were lots of people out walking their dogs with their hoods pulled up.
I just love to look out the window and smile at everyone until my smile snags someone and prompts them to come in. Home is for privacy, but work -- or at least my work -- is social. Maybe I'm full of myself, here, but I love to both spread and receive the word of fiction. This makes me feel as though I'm doing some kind of good in the world.
And lo, a guy came in to pick up his special order, a book about how to sew. I asked if he had a sewing machine. Turns out he has two, one of which he promised to give me! I LOVE to sew my own clothes. You'll eventually hear back on this, as soon I will be polluting the streets with homemade color.
But more than color and wrapping myself in it, I adore beer.
So after work I went to the local bar, this place where I always end up talking to interesting people from all over the world. And this particular bar has a great jukebox -- twice tonight, I was treated to the live version of Leonard Cohen's "Suzanne", plus some great Violent Femmes songs, plus "Lovecats" by The Cure. I'd completely forgotten what a talented band The Cure was, and in that particular song, the bass line! The brushy drums!
Anyway, I had a Bass next to the fireplace, I sat next to my favorite window that looks out on a red staircase, and I wished my life could remain as it is now, forever and ever.
1Matt: we have to see Water in April -- it's an Indian movie, guaranteed to make me, at least, cry -- I know, you're more in line with the Alice Cooper take and you never cry.