This blog is welcome to anyone and everyone, regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, or political affiliation. Unless you don't like writing short stories or smelling bear. Or if you voted for the other guy. Also, I don't really like it when you leave up the toilet seat, so could you stop doing that? Muchas, muchas gracias.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Need Some Space!

I'm going to focus on finding a job and preparing for interviews and writing, so I may disappear for a while. But I'll be back, and when I return, I'll be better than ever! I thank you for understanding that I need some space, and that I don't mean to be less than generous right now.



Blogger purplesime said...

That's cool. We all need space occasionally. Enjoy yours.

purplesimon out...

1:37 AM

Blogger sage said...

Best of luck finding a job and space... and until then, we'll be looking forward to your return.

12:22 PM

Blogger ginab said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:46 PM

Blogger ginab said...

You deserve the space, the rest; peace of mind, positive change; and the rest of us should concentrate positively on you.


12:48 PM

Blogger Ren said...

Take your time. I'm not going anywhere... And I'm also always around.

5:26 AM

Blogger Mone said...

Everybody needs some time, sometimes...
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and I wish you luck finding a newjob!

8:04 PM

Blogger josh williams said...

Well you know,take your time. I need space and a space heater its 28 degrees and dropping. See ya soon.

3:38 PM

Blogger Maddie said...

I hope everything is going well for you!

1:59 PM

Blogger wallycrawler said...

Hey Ing your 41 now?

Ya still look hawt!

I was kind'a miss'n ya so I pop'd by.

Hope your do'n well and ya gotta great job.

Ahhhh...if not who cares about a job? It's better to look good than feel good anyways!

5:01 PM


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