This blog is welcome to anyone and everyone, regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, or political affiliation. Unless you don't like writing short stories or smelling bear. Or if you voted for the other guy. Also, I don't really like it when you leave up the toilet seat, so could you stop doing that? Muchas, muchas gracias.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Indignity #1

I was let go and I lost my job. Bleah.

Indignity #2

Last night I was walking up Haight street when I passed a young guy who was holding a cardboard sign that said "I bet you a dollar you will read this sign." Though I sometimes give a dollar to a young woman who sings, I didn't hand the man my money. I passed him, and when I passed something sharp struck me in the middle of my back. It was the sign. The dude had chucked his sign at me with all his might. I stopped and turned around. He eventually said he was sorry. As if throwing something at me was a complete accident. I told him that he should be sorry, but I didn't feel any better afterwards.

Indignity #3

It wasn't like I wanted to stick my feet in stirrups and have someone poke around at my cervix, which is its own special kind of indignity, though necessary, sure. Nor was I looking forward to having my boobs smashed flat between two metal plates. But I figured I should get this shit taken care of while I have time off.

And OF COURSE when I showed up for my doctor's appointment, I got the usual message that Kaiser Permanente's records still did not show that I am covered. So I spent several hours there in the hospital being told to call various people who would, in turn, tell me a number of conflicting stories about what they did and did not recieve from me, from my ex-employer, from Kaiser, from COBRA. After a certain point I wound up being told to call people I'd already spoken to, the very people who'd already said they couldn't help me.

COBRA has confirmed that they recieved my payment for October 1-31, and the substantial check I wrote them has been cashed. My formet HR person has confirmed that she faxed (& received confirmation that she faxed) proof that I'd made that necessary payment. And Kaiser finally confirmed that they had received all of the necessary paperwork.

Still, though, their computer continues to say that I am not covered, and that is a problem.

During the course of these phone calls I knew I was getting testy, but it's so frustrating to be given the runaround. One of the customer service reps at the COBRA office actually hung up on me (after telling me that I had to get back in line at the Kaiser help desk and, once I made it to the front of the line, ask them once again for help because the Kaiser employee who'd originally "helped" me by giving me COBRA's number? well, she was misinformed).

This is the second time this month that I've had to cancel and reschedule my appointment. I couldn't get another appointment until mid-November. Maybe by then, Kaiser will have updated its computer to say that I have made the October payment that I did indeed make, approximately three weeks ago, a payment that took more than one week's unemployment check to cover. By that time, of course, I will have made my payment for November, and who knows, perhaps I'll be right where I started, having once again paid more than 35% of my current monthly income for coverage that I will not be allowed to use.


Today I feel tapped out. I honestly don't think I have anything in me to give to any other person. I understand that many of us are going through hard times, that many of us are hurting right now, that many of us could use a little help. I wish I could do more, but I simply can't. Not right now. If anyone crosses me today, I will kick her or his ass. I am angry. I am so angry, I can't even express it.


But you can still join my commune.

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Blogger Mone said...


3:15 AM

Blogger ginab said...

i've got experience here: pretend the tool or the device isn't made of steel and you might recall the cervix gets poked sometimes?

The insurance will pull thru. You paid'em.

love you to bits,

8:00 AM

Blogger sage said...

Bummer! Gee, the flying sign was uncalled for just as the run around in the hospital... Hang in there.

1:18 PM

Blogger Maddie said...

Aww, Ing. Totally and completely hideous. I am so sorry you are having a hard time. Big hugs and happy thoughts coming your way from two states over.

8:39 AM

Blogger ing said...





Oooh, that sounds kind of sort of uh. . .

Yes, the insurance will come through. I just wish it would hurry up!!!

I love you too, dear.



I know! The sign thing really got me - there's nothing like having a jobless person throw at you when you're feeling low about not having a full-time job.



Thanks! I may walk through your state on my way to the White House - I'll wave at you, okay?

7:25 PM

Blogger Ren said...

At what point do we all as a nation not just start over from scratch?

1:22 PM


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