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Thursday, October 30, 2008

This Is My Favorite Scene from The American Astronaut

I watched it this afternoon, and while the plot is too unresolved and the crazy professor narrator seems kind of one-dimensional, this movie is visually quite stunning, and the director/writer/star, Cory McAbee, did a great job of marrying image to sound in this interesting little film, which I think borrows a bit from David Lynch and Sam Shepard. There's this bit about how the narrator can't kill anyone he would like to kill until his problem with his target is resolved, because otherwise, the problem will go on indefinitely. Now that's cool! This movie is definitely worth seeing, and then seeing again, so check it out.

I had a good day today, mostly because I had a job interview. I have absolutely no idea whether or not I'll land the job. I want it, I really really do!, but my gut tells me to not get my hopes up. So tomorrow I'll buy a bunch of Halloween candy to hand out, then I'll go running (I'm working my way up to 3.5 miles a day!), then I'll get back to searching for work.

November 4th is just around the corner. Isn't it exciting?

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Blogger ginab said...

Amazing is your favorite scene is available on YouTube! The singing and pace-dancing takes me out enough I suspect McAbee has a thing for Brecht. And otherwise theatre, I'm reminded of theatre. The b&w looks like it cost a pretty copper penny, tho.

I'm liking DC. I always do! Really neat town. Saw a lovely "dedication" to Obama in someone's front "yard" here; someone placed his and Biden's sign right in the belly of the loveliest rose bush all in bloom. Peach colored roses.

I'm reminded by the way with the flowers who damn allergic I am, though. It's warm here!

everything's in bloom!

Time for a shower. la-de-da. then off to a conference.

You know what I want to happen for you!!!! If they're smart...they know they've found the right person in you.


6:34 AM

Blogger ginab said...

not THAT was a freudian slip!

6:39 AM

Blogger ing said...


Apparently, this scene is the favorite of many people. Hmmm. I heard this movie was made on a very small budget.

DC! You're probably home by now, eh? I have a phone appointment today between 1:00 and 3:00 with you-know-who. Maybe I'll have my final answer?

I'm waiting for my breakfast to digest before I go running. No roses blooming out here. My sunflowers have pretty much shot their wads. It's cold and sunny.



A slippian Freud, too.

9:50 AM

Blogger sage said...

the dancing was interesting, what was this movie, a modern Westside Story? How did the interview go?

7:01 PM

Blogger ing said...

Hiya, Sage!

Hmmmm. . . this movie is a modern Western musical, set in outer space. Neat, too!

I've had 3 interviews now, none of which has resulted in a thing. Drat!

10:00 PM


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