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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

This Story

(click—>) gives me the urge to write! I've been reading The New Granta Book of the American Short Story (as if the original anthology wasn't fantastic enough),

edited by the most handsome, dreeeeeeamy dreamboat, my future husband, Richard Ford.

Richard Ford's introduction alone is worth the price of the anthology, though he continues to say that the novel is superior to the short story. . . Ah, well. Marriage is — I mean will be — hard work, but that southern drawl of his is so sexy, I forgive Rich everything.

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Blogger sage said...

I've only read Rock Springs, which I reviewed sometime ago. I enjoyed it, but then there were stories about railroads and fishing and open spaces... I didn't know he's southern, but it figures as he's a good story teller.

7:52 PM

Blogger purplesime said...

The novel superior to the short story? Get away! :)

I've added this to my list of books I really must buy. Thanks for posting.

I have been following your posts recently, but not commented for whatever reason. Sometimes I just don't know what to say.

I just hope you're smiling today.

purplesimon out...

1:21 AM

Blogger matty said...

I think you will need to actually move forward with the divorce proceedings for your marriage to Beck before you embark on this whirlwind romance with Richard.

...I'm just sayin'

4:31 PM

Blogger josh williams said...

I read R Ford a number of years ago.Was it the Sports Writer? I forget but I would wager he has not used "he is dreamy" in all of his collective works. Or I could be wrong, dreamy...My kingdom to hear myself referred to as dreamy!

8:01 PM

Blogger josh williams said...

It was the Sports Writer! I am proud that I did remember this because I read it when it was first into paper back...I did not realize he was still churning it out, good news. JW

8:05 PM

Blogger matty said...

...but what adventures found you this weekend?!?!?

6:06 PM


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