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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Jump-Rope Song For Middle-Aged Women

Sometimes I'm glad I never had children
because children grow up
and make their moms sad
but sometimes I'm sad I never had children
and watched them grow up
and had my heart broken

A child, in my mind,
is an experience
we can miss without having,
like losing a button
that's just been sewn on

Sometimes I wish that I'd been more careful
because if I were careful
I wouldn't have children
lately I've loved with far too much caution
and folded my money
and swallowed my gum

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Blogger matty said...

I think sometimes caution is required.

...but, most times I think it is good to spit the gum out and dare anyone to question it.


well, you never know.

sometimes i think the parents make the children more sad -- and hurt.

11:07 AM

Blogger ing said...


A little caution, a little abandon. I think I'm going to try abandon for a while and see where that takes me.

Children are nice. If they belong to other people. I can't imagine having one all the time. I can't imagine dedicating all of my attention to a child. I wish Miss S would pop one out so I could enjoy the whole thing without all the work.

You know, I think children hurt their parents and parents hurt their children. We all transfer our problems and faults. I really am glad I never had one, because sometimes I am one.

10:05 PM


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