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Friday, May 16, 2008

Four Kinds of Couplets

Dunno why, but tonight I felt like writing couplets (or maybe I mean two-part poems), just for fun. It's been a long week. My mind is so tired.

Sometimes I enjoy being all by myself
My bulletin board, my shoes on their shelf

These days I'm thinking about other people,
Which makes them more difficult to understand.

In some places, springtime announces itself;
oaks in the valleys, snakes in the hills.

At least Martha Stewart served her time.
In heaven she will bake us scones.


I thought this Wiki article, which is a sort of neighbor to the couplet, was kind of interesting.

Nighty Night!


Blogger Ticharu said...

Cool poems! I read most of that article too, very interesting what motivates people is all in how you look at it. Same thing both ways, but if you perceive it as a loss you'll act and feel differently.

1:38 AM

Blogger Dan L. said...

Martha Stewart baking me scones in heave? Sounds like hell!

Uh oh...

--Dan L.

12:57 AM

Blogger Dan L. said...

oops...meant "heaven"...but then, I now realize "heave" works too!

--Dan L.

12:58 AM


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