This blog is welcome to anyone and everyone, regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, or political affiliation. Unless you don't like writing short stories or smelling bear. Or if you voted for the other guy. Also, I don't really like it when you leave up the toilet seat, so could you stop doing that? Muchas, muchas gracias.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I Wish I Could Have A Dog. . .

Because, look!


Blogger matty said...

I wish you could, too.

It amazes me how good a dog can make you feel.

...especially a puppy called Bagel who begs me to rub her belly.

11:21 PM

Blogger ginab said...

...or (following on Matty) a Bea Bea a.k.a. "Cleopatra" who seems would (never no need to!) starve to snuggle next to mwa.

maybe it's she that gives me grandiose ideas about love and hate.

4:40 AM

Blogger Jas said...

So I found your blog from the BUST links... I laughed my ass off when I saw this.

1:09 PM


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